Making Your Environment Safer
Making Your Environment Safer

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers below to the most commonly asked questions about radon, pest control and vapor intrusion services.

Radon Testing

Radon testing should be performed in homes and businesses every two years. If results are below 4 pCi/L, retesting may occur every 5 years.
It’s a common misconception that radon is only a problem in older homes and buildings. However, radon levels can build up in any indoor space, even if the building is newly constructed or renovated. Before moving in, schedule radon testing to ensure your safety by reducing the risk of radon exposure.
Radon is an invisible, odorless, radioactive gas. The only way to know that indoor radon levels are high in any given space is to perform radon testing. Radon is so dangerous because it is the second most common cause of lung cancer, behind cigarette smoking.
It is possible to test for radon using a DIY radon testing kit purchased online or at a hardware store. These kits are mailed to labs for testing after they have been placed in a home or business for a designated period of time. However, if you need radon testing with rapid results or you want to confirm the results of a self-test kit, calling a professional is recommended.
Short-term radon tests measure radon levels over a period of 2-90 days, while long-term test kits measure radon levels for 90 days or longer. Radon levels fluctuate through time, so the results of a short-term test may not accurately reflect average annual levels of radon in a home or business.
Radon is everywhere, indoors and outdoors. However, indoor spaces can trap radon inside as it breaks down and seeps into homes and buildings via the cracks and holes in the foundation. Any home or building, regardless of its age, location, or size, may have a radon problem. The only way to know for sure is to perform routine radon testing.
Radon levels are not static. They fluctuate due to a variety of environmental conditions, so routine radon testing is necessary to continually manage the risk of radon exposure.
There have been numerous studies both in the U.S. and internationally that have linked radon exposure to an elevated risk of lung cancer. There is no truly safe level of radon, but routine testing and effective mitigation systems can reduce the risk as much as possible.

Home Radon Testing

Radon testing should occur in every home at least once every 5 years. Homes with radon mitigation systems installed should be tested more often at a frequency of once every 2 years. Testing again for radon is recommended when you’re remodeling or adding a home addition, when installing or altering your heating and cooling system, when you’re installing insulation or otherwise weatherizing your home, or when an existing mitigation system is installed or repaired.
There really is no safe level of radon for a home, so the goal of radon mitigation is generally to get the level as low as possible.

Installing a radon mitigation system from an NRPP contractor like Green Earth Remediation can reduce radon levels down to levels that are considered safe, we aim to reduce levels to as low as what radon is found in outdoor air.

These systems are called active soil depressurization systems or also referred to as sub-slab suctions systems. The systems help to draw radon gas away by creating a negative pressure underneath the home’s slab and foundation to reduce indoor radon levels. This is achieved by what is called “PFE” pressure field extension, a fan creates a vacuum in the form of a negative pressure under the house that acts as a greater negative force than the natural negative pressure of a home. The movement of air and negative pressure field under a basement slab that a radon system creates is effective as well as efficient at mitigating even the highest of indoor radon levels.

There are two basic types of radon testing: short-term and long-term. Long-term testing is any test that is conducted 90 days or more, and this type of testing can give you a more comprehensive view of your home’s radon levels while accounting for seasonal and environmental fluctuations.

We advocate for testing during the colder months of the year, which translates into the heating months. Testing for radon in fall, winter, and even early spring is more important, even though testing for radon at any time is still recommended. The greatest factor for why radon levels are higher at certain times of the year is due to what is called, “stack effect.” When we heat our homes the warmer air rises, this combined with the natural pressure differentials created from the ambient air outdoors being colder than the air indoors makes radon gas able to more easily enter homes and accumulate indoors at higher levels in the winter than in the summer.

Radon testing should be performed when you move into a new home, but this test will likely be a short-term test that may not show the full picture of radon levels in your home over time. Homeowners should test for radon every 2-5 years, depending on the results of their most recent test and whether a radon mitigation system is already installed.
While some areas may have more radon than others, any home can have high radon levels, even if surrounding homes do not. There are many factors that can influence radon levels in the home, and the only way to know if your home has high indoor radon levels is to test for it.
In most states, you can purchase a radon testing kit online or at a local hardware store. Some states have these tests available at no charge. These are typically short-term, passive tests that are mailed in for testing in a lab. However, you may get more accurate and rapid results by contacting a radon testing and mitigation contractor like Green Earth Remediation.
There is no truly safe level of radon in the home. However, the EPA has set an “action level” of 4 pCi/L, which is when mitigation is recommended. The goal of radon mitigation is to reduce indoor radon levels to levels comparable with the outdoors.
We recommend radon testing during the winter months due to the “stack effect.” When we heat our homes the warmer air rises, this combined with the natural pressure differentials created from the ambient air outdoors being colder than the air indoors makes radon gas able to more easily enter homes and accumulate indoors at higher levels in the winter than in the summer. However, testing at any time is better than not testing at all.

Commercial Radon Testing

People spend about ⅓ of their lives at work, meaning that the workplace can be a source of harmful radon exposure. Not only will testing your business for radon protect your employees’ health, but it can also reduce liabilities for your business. The only way to know if your business has high levels of radon is to test for it.
We recommend commercial radon testing in any building, including offices, retail stores, and warehouse facilities. However, there are some commercial areas where radon testing may be required by federal, state, or local laws, including residential care facilities, healthcare facilities, daycares, and apartment buildings.
The cost of commercial radon testing will vary depending on the size of the building and the type of test being used (short- vs. long-term). However, with Green Earth Remediation, you will be reimbursed for the cost of radon testing if you choose to install your radon mitigation system with us.
There is no safe level of radon, but you can considerably reduce the health risks of radon exposure by striving for indoor radon levels comparable to those outdoors – about 2 pCi/L or less.
No building is invulnerable to high radon levels, even new constructions. Radon breaks down in the soil and seeps into buildings, where radon levels build up over time. This can happen in any type of building, regardless of its age, location, or architectural design.

Real Estate

With a greater number of people understanding the health risks of radon exposure, radon testing has become a common part of real estate transactions. Having professional radon testing performed ahead of a sale (and installing a mitigation system if necessary) will help streamline the sales process and provide potential buyers with greater peace of mind.
If radon testing is performed as part of the home inspection process and high radon levels at or above the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L are detected, a radon mitigation system should be installed to reduce radon levels and ensure the safety of the property. However, this process can occur quickly before the sale closes, meaning that high radon levels do not have to deter property transactions.
Radon mitigation systems typically do not have a large footprint, and they are customized to each property. Green Earth Remediation will provide an overview of what a radon mitigation system will look like and how it will work to eliminate any surprises, and we will work to minimize the aesthetic impact of the system so that it blends seamlessly into the property. A radon mitigation system will only add to the overall value of a home because it will dramatically reduce the potential health risks related to radon exposure for future occupants.
Radon testing is not a requirement for selling a home, but many buyers will request a radon test if one has not been performed within the last two years or if the test was not performed by a professional.
When Green Earth Remediation installs a radon mitigation system, retesting will be performed after the system is up and running to verify that radon levels have been effectively reduced in the home.
When it comes to radon services for real estate transactions, there are two key features to look for in a radon contractor: reliability and efficiency. Green Earth Remediation is known for providing exceptional service with short turnaround times, and our technicians will always leave a property in the same condition that we found it in, meaning that it will be ready for the next showing after we enter the property for testing.
The division of costs for radon testing and mitigation will depend on the specific terms of the sale. In some cases, sellers may shoulder these costs to facilitate a faster sale, or the cost of the home may be adjusted to reflect the investment the buyer will need to make to install a radon mitigation system after the sale closes.
Typically, home buyers will opt for professional, short-term testing with active testing devices that will continually monitor and record radon levels over a period of 48 hours. This will yield the quickest, most accurate results possible.

Radon Mitigation

Radon mitigation systems are designed to reduce indoor radon levels by up to 99%. Radon reduction systems should be designed and installed by experienced radon professionals to ensure that they are effective and functional.
Radon mitigation systems work by neutralizing negative pressure that draws gas into homes and buildings from the surrounding soil. These systems consist of a network of pipes and a fan to divert radon gas away from the foundation so it can be safely expelled outdoors.
Radon mitigation is recommended in homes and buildings that have indoor radon levels above 4 pCi/L. However, it is important to note that there is no truly safe level of radon. Radon mitigation systems will lower indoor radon levels as much as possible, and they can be installed in any home or building.
Radon mitigation systems have a minimal impact on energy usage in homes and buildings. They are very energy efficient and will not significantly increase utility costs.
Most radon mitigation systems are designed to last for decades without much maintenance or significant repairs. However, radon testing should take place every two years to ensure that a radon mitigation system is continuing to work properly.
Residential and commercial radon mitigation systems will typically have warning systems to alert users if there is a problem with the system that requires attention. Routine retesting is the most reliable way to ensure that your system is working as it should be. A functional radon mitigation system will consistently keep radon levels in the home comparable to outdoor radon levels.
Radon exposure is a significant health risk. Radon exposure is the leading risk factor for lung cancer among non-smokers, and it is the second most common risk factor among the general population. Radon mitigation is the only way to effectively reduce indoor radon levels.
When choosing a radon mitigation contractor, look for a company with years of experience in the field that installs systems compliant with ANSI / AARST and USEPA guidelines.

Home Radon Mitigation

Installing a radon mitigation system can be somewhat disruptive to your home, as the system may require alterations to the foundation and flooring, as well as the addition of external ventilation systems. However, this process is completed quickly, and once the system is installed, it will not require significant ongoing maintenance. Radon mitigation systems are also quiet, energy efficient, and minimally impactful to daily routines.
The cost of installing a radon mitigation system is comparable to other common home repairs, and costs will vary depending on the size and structure of your home. Green Earth Remediation can provide a free estimate for radon mitigation to help you fully understand what to expect from this essential home improvement project.
Having a functional radon mitigation system in your home can be beneficial when you are trying to sell your home in the future, as it will ensure potential buyers of the safety of the home’s indoor air. Radon mitigation is also an investment in your own family’s health and wellness.
Any type of home may have high radon levels, and the only way to know how much radon is in your home is to test for it. If your radon levels are high, you will need radon mitigation to reduce radon levels regardless of the age or layout of your home.
The health effects of radon exposure are not immediate, and even with an otherwise healthy lifestyle, radon exposure can put you and your family at risk of lung cancer. Testing for radon and installing a radon mitigation home to reduce indoor radon levels is the only way to manage the health risks associated with radon exposure.

Commercial Radon Mitigation

Radon isn’t just a risk at home. Radon exposure can occur anywhere people spend time, including in the workplace. Commercial environments should regularly be tested for radon, and radon mitigation systems should be installed if tests reveal radon levels over the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L.
Commercial radon systems utilize the same basic mechanics as residential radon mitigation systems, but they work on a larger scale. These systems neutralize negative pressure that would otherwise draw radon into buildings, where concentrations build up over time, so radon gas can safely be expelled into the outdoor air.
Not only will radon mitigation reduce the health risks of tenants and occupants of commercial buildings, but taking the proactive step of installing a radon mitigation system can reduce liabilities for property owners.
Radon mitigation systems should continue working with little maintenance and few repairs. However, it is still important to monitor indoor radon levels with routine testing once every 2 years.
Our team will work to accommodate your business, working outside of your normal business hours when possible. Our goal is to provide an effective radon mitigation system quickly, so you can ensure the ongoing safety of your employees and clients.

Pest Control

DIY solutions are often ineffective for tackling pest infestations at the source, and over the counter pesticides may pose health and environmental risks. Calling the professionals at Green Earth Remediation will ensure that the problem is solved the first time around and with a minimal impact on the environment.
Green Earth Remediation provides pest control solutions for a wide range of common pests in commercial and residential environments, including cockroaches, mice/rats, fleas, ticks, termites, stinging insects, ants, mosquitos, and bed bugs. We are not able to provide pest control services for larger mammals like squirrels.
Green Earth Remediation has decades of experience in pest control, and our technicians are highly trained to identify and eradicate a wide range of common pest infestations. Plus, we guarantee our work and we only utilize chemicals that are proven to be effective, safe, and minimally impactful for the surrounding environment.
Your pest control needs will depend on what type of pest infestation you have and the type of treatment we use to keep pests at bay. Our technicians will provide you with a recommended treatment and maintenance schedule to keep your property safe.
While there are steps you can take, such as keeping indoor spaces clean, using airtight food storage containers, and investing in landscaping services, some pest infestations may simply be unavoidable. Pests like bed bugs, mosquitos, and termites can pop up almost anywhere. The best thing you can do is be diligent about inspecting your property often and calling Green Earth Remediation at the first sign of a pest infestation.
Our team is invested in the health and safety of the communities we serve, which is why we utilize chemical treatments that will not pose a health threat to children and pets. However, we may recommend restricting access to certain parts of your property after spraying for pests if there is any potential danger for kids or pets.
Common pests like termites and cockroaches can be more than a nuisance. These pests can pose health risks and cause structural damage without proper treatment.
Not all pest control companies are alike, and at Green Earth Remediation, we spot and treat pests the other guys miss. When you’re choosing a pest control company, look for a track record of positive reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask for an estimate and ask plenty of questions before committing to any service. Your pest control technician should be knowledgeable and able to answer any questions you have about your pest problem.

Home Pest Control

Our pest control specialists are available year-round. While some pests like mosquitos and termites are more active in your home during the warmer months, others may be active year-round and require ongoing treatment.
Pests are non-discriminating when it comes to targeting your home, and some like bed bugs and termites can creep in even if you go to great lengths to keep your home clean.
Yes! Termites are one of the most potentially problematic pests homeowners may encounter because they have the ability to completely destroy a home if left untreated. Our technicians will crawl into tight spaces and investigate thoroughly to find termite infestations and treat them effectively.
A trip to your local hardware store will give you access to an array of pesticides, but these are not necessarily the safest or most effective solutions for your pest control problem. Green Earth Remediation will provide targeted, effective treatments for a variety of different insects and small rodents, giving you greater peace of mind and ensuring that you are not doing damage to your family’s health or your local ecosystem with potentially hazardous chemicals.
Yes, we treat bed bugs with our residential pest control services. Bed bugs can be one of the more challenging pests to eliminate in the home because they reproduce so quickly and adapt to their environment. They are also resistant to many different types of insecticides. Our technicians utilize the proper techniques like heat treatments to completely eradicate bed bugs in your home, so you can sleep easy once again.

Commercial Pest Control

We’ll customize a pest control plan for your business or commercial property that’s suited to your needs. From managing current infestations to preventive pest control plans, we do it all. Call us today for a quote.
Yes, our technicians can manage outdoor pests including mosquitos, stinging insects, spiders, and cockroaches. We will develop a treatment plan tailored to the layout and landscape of your property.
Yes, we treat indoor spaces to manage pests like termites, bed bugs, cockroaches, pantry pests, and mice. We will ensure that your property is treated with the safety of your employees and clients in mind.
We understand that pest infestations can be damaging to a business’s reputation, so we will work discreetly to provide pest control solutions and develop a preventive care plan to preserve your business’s good reputation.
We have a wide range of commercial clients, including offices, retail stores, schools, residential care facilities, restaurants, and warehouses. We tailor our services to the unique needs of your business.

Vapor Intrusion

Soil or air testing can reveal the presence of potential contaminants that can be mitigated with a vapor barrier in a building’s foundation. This type of testing should take place prior to new construction or renovation in designated brownfield sites where pollutants are likely to be present.
Vapor intrusion is the result of chemical spills, leaks, or dumping that was not properly cleaned up. In areas with a history of industrial production, it is common to find higher levels of contaminants in the soil and groundwater. As these chemicals evaporate, they can become vapors that are released into the air. When vapors infiltrate buildings, these odorless, invisible gasses build up in concentration and present a health hazard for the buildings’ occupants.
Exposure to various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through vapor intrusion may increase a person’s cancer risk and cause more immediate health concerns with symptoms like nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, slowed reflexes, and headaches.
Green Earth Remediation will customize vapor mitigation solutions based on the unique needs of your property. Typically, the process will include the installation of a vapor barrier within a building’s foundation. This will prevent the intrusion of harmful, airborne compounds associated with various health risks.
Vapor intrusion control is a specialized service that requires extensive training and knowledge to provide effectively. Green Earth Remediation has assisted in the redevelopment of numerous brownfield sites with reliable solutions for vapor intrusion.
Soil testing involves taking a sample of potentially contaminated soil and sending it to a lab for assessment. The process of taking a soil sample generally takes 1-2 hours. For existing structures, a sub slab soil gas sample may need to be taken. This involves drilling small holes into a basement or slab floor to collect soil samples underneath. A lab report will be provided within a few weeks of the soil sample collection.
Air testing is typically performed over a period of 24 hours with a passive testing device that is collected in a specially designed canister and taken to a lab for testing. A lab report will take 3-5 weeks following the collection of an air sample.
Vapor mitigation will not only ensure the health and safety of a building’s future occupants, but it can limit liabilities for property owners and protect their investments. It also provides a pathway towards revitalizing urban areas that may have previously posed health risks that limited redevelopment in these areas.